This function calculates Effective Sample Size (ESS) on results. The ESS algorithm performs best when results are from multiple runs.




The input dataset can be a single data frame or a list of data frames.


Returns a matrix with ESS values of all pairwise runs.


Brian O'Meara and Barb Banbury


data(simRunExample) # this will give a warning pairwiseESS(resultsBMExample[[1]]$particleDataFrame)
#> Warning: ESS on a single run should be high; consider combining several runs
#> ESS #> starting_1 55.85303 #> intrinsic_1 88.49379
# ESS should be calculated over multiple runs pairwiseESS(resultsBMExample)
#> Multiple runs of doRun_prc found, extracting particleDataFrame objects
#> Runs_1_2 #> starting_1 69.000 #> intrinsic_1 128.526
# you can also manually assemble a list of particleDataFrame tables # and use this as the input inputList <- list( resultsBMExample[[2]]$particleDataFrame, resultsBMExample[[1]]$particleDataFrame ) pairwiseESS(inputList)
#> Runs_1_2 #> starting_1 69.0000 #> intrinsic_1 103.7477